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How to do DIY House Cleaning Like a Pro

Cleaning a house is a daunting task that requires time, dedication and commitment. Clutter and mess around your home can interfere with your peace of mind. Clutter is not only unhealthy but also gives a bad impression to guests about your level of hygiene. However, cleaning a house also comes with its challenges, as it demands the right skills and effort to achieve great results. There are times when your home does not feel as spic-and-span ay you desire it to be regardless of the amount of scrubbing and cleaning you have done. This article looks at the way you can do DIY house cleaning like a pro and leave your house sparkling clean.

  • Gather the Right Tools

Cleaning can be a lot easier if you are using the right tools for the right surface. However, this does not mean that you have to collect every single specialty tool to give your home a professional-level clean. Some of basic tools you need include clean sponges, microfiber cloths, a scrub brush that can perform detail cleaning, and a vacuum that works on both carpets and floors. Microfiber cloths are great for cleaning woodwork, dry dusting, and final polishing. You can use paper towels for greasy or nasty messes that can contaminate your rag or cleaning sponge. Other necessary tools include a broom, a wet mop, and a long-handled duster.

  • Use a Specific Pattern

Avoid random cleaning as it takes a lot of time and you may end up messing up surfaces that have already been cleaned. Cleaning heavy traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms before moving to other areas of the house not only takes more time and energy, but also increases your chances of getting tired along the way. However, professional cleaners start with rooms with low traffic as it motivates them to tackle larger cleaning tasks in high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. Their cleaning pattern runs from top to bottom and left to right to ensure the job is done right the first time. You can also incorporate the ā€œSā€ pattern when cleaning glasses or mirrors as it is more effective than cleaning in circular motions.

  • Allow Some Time After Applying Products

Cleaning surfaces with stubborn stains can be a challenge especially when you have so much to do within a short period. The best way to save yourself some scrubbing time is by spraying cleaning products on the dirty surfaces and allowing some time for them to take effect. This technique is very effective for bathtubs, toilets, bathroom walls, and kitchen appliances with stains or grime. Most cleaning products do not disinfect surfaces instantaneously. Therefore, leaving them untouched for a while gives them time to break down crud and kill germs. This means that you will have less work to do once you embark on cleaning.

  • Dust First, Vacuum Last

Generally, you should dust first before you vacuum to achieve the best results when cleaning furniture and other upholstery. The furniture in your house requires more than an occasional lint-roller treatment since people spend most of their time in these places when they are at home. A vacuum cleaner should be powerful enough to suck up all the dirt, dust and pet dander from your furniture. It is one of the best ways to ensure your sofa seats and fluffy couches are free from airborne particles that can cause allergies. Using a vacuum also gets the job done faster making it ideal for a DIY house cleaning.

  • Use a Squeegee on Outside Windows

Outside windows require more effort to get them sparkling clean. Spraying them with a window cleaner before wiping it off using a paper towel smears dirt all over the window glasses rather than keeping them clean. The best way to clean your windows is to use a sponge soaked in washing liquid before using the squeegee to wipe off the water. Use a single top-to-bottom stroke on smaller windows and a large S pattern on big windows.

  • Keep Extra Bags in Wastebaskets

Stashing extra bags in the bottom of your wastebasket means you do not have to put in new bags every time the old one is disposed of in a large trash bag. Using a single trash bag to collect waste from every room saves you time when cleaning. It also gives a clear indication of rooms that have already been cleaned when doing your final touches.

The best way to do DIY house cleaning like a pro is to implement the ideas used by professional cleaners to achieve the best results after cleaning. It is always a good idea to start with low-traffic rooms, as they motivate you to tackle areas that experience heavy traffic such as the kitchen and bathroom.